Nurse News 4/6/20

Hello Mustangs!

I hope everyone is staying safe and using the precautions the CDC has given. It's so tempting to have a play date because our kiddos are so BORED and want to see their friends, but hold off and stay safe. Remember how quickly some viruses and bacteria (Flu and Strep for example) have run through the classrooms? Good handwashing and social distancing are some of the most important things you can do at this time to keep your family safe. As more research surfaces, it continues to be affirmed that to avoid touching one's face, washing one's hands effectively, and maintaining some distance from others are the best methods to avoid this virus.

I am including a website in this week's notes that will give you some information on how long the Covid19 virus can live on different surfaces.

A glimpse of what WebMD reports:

Metal: 5 days (doorknobs, jewelry, silverware

Wood: 4 days (furniture, decking)

Plastics: 2-3 days (Packaging like milk containers and detergent bottles, car seats, backpacks, elevator buttons, store touch screens)

Stainless steel 2-3 days (Refrigerators, pots and pans, some water bottles)

Glass: Up to 5 days (drinking glasses, mirrors)

The good news is these are surfaces that can be wiped or sprayed with cleaners or washed with soap and water.

Please continue to follow the guidelines from the CDC. (

With so many changes in all our lives, I can't overemphasize the importance in establishing routines. Routines are important because they give children a sense of security and control over their environment. Some of the crucial skills children learn through routinesinclude:self control, positive behavior and social skills.

Please know that I am available to you. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at [email protected](opens in a new window).

Stacey Backhus, RN

MRE School Nurse

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